Friday, September 20, 2013


The next lead up activity to Santubong Nature Festival is next month and it is opened to MNS members and the general public. 

Activity: Santubong At The Museum

Date, Time and Venue: 26th October 2013, 2pm to 4pm, Sarawak Museum

Objectives: This programme will increase the knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the historical, natural and archaeological significance of Santubong. It will also promote an interest in attending the MNS “Santubong Nature Festival” in November 2013.

Brief description: This programme will be two hours in length and will include: 50 minutes talk about Wallace @ Santubong (Rambli Ahmad of SFC); 20-minute tour of the natural history collection highlighting animals found in Santubong- Birds, Molluscs, & Mammals, Oh My! (FoSM docent); 20-minute tour of the Santubong Gallery-What Are They Telling Us? (FoSM docent)

* Santubong Nature Festival will take place on Nov 9 & 10 at Permai Rainforest Resort.  Keep these dates free and let's make our voices/concerns heard as one society :) 

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